Succession Planing

Take the time you need to plan for the future of your business and get it right

Our expertise on the topic Succession Planing

  • Professional succession planing including enterprise and market analysis
  • We take account of all the tax, financial and legal implications
  • We can support in or lead negotiations with interested parties or potential successors
  • Arms-length support or closer supervision during transition/introductory phases and beyond
  • Due diligence for company mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  • Support for the implementation and realisation of succession arrangements
  • Manage and agree the expectations and needs of all participants on the basis of analysis of where you and where you want to be



A neutral partner in emotionally charged, personal and technical situations

Network knowledge

Network of expertise across a range of specialist sectors

Succession planning is a highly demanding, emotional and time-consuming task for company owners. Let us look after preparation and handover so that your succession can take place without legal problems and with the best outcomes in terms of tax.

Can we support you?
Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.

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